Centurion Primary Industries Features Smooth surface keeps hands free from water and oil when handling objects providing exceptional dry and wet grip Seamless knitted liner ensures excellent comfort, fit, and ventilation Low polyaromatic hydrocarbons(PAH) Soft coating improves sensitivity and dexterity Add to Inquiry Cart
Interface Soft Primary Industries Features Extra light weight for ultra sensitivity and dexterity Ingredients comply with FDA regulations for food contact Compliant with (EC) No.1935/2004, EU 10/2011 and BfR XXI (Blue only) Compliant with Italian Ministerial Decree 21/3/73 (contact condition – 2h, 40 0C)(Blue only) Nitrile Rubber for better chemical resistance Free of zinc mercaptobenzothiazole Add to Inquiry Cart
Workman Primary Industries Features Anatomically shaped to provide a good fit Beaded cuff to help improve tear resistance during donning and removal and as well as helps prevent droplets from travelling beyond the glove length Long cuff to protect forearm and upper arm Excellent abrasion resistance Add to Inquiry Cart
Fisherman 100 / 120 Primary Industries Features Excellent abrasion resistance Extra thick for added protection Crinkled palm enhances protection and grip Long cuff to protect forearm and upper arm Compliant with (EC) No.1935/2004 and EU 10/2011 Add to Inquiry Cart